Monday, February 16, 2015

Ya Namamu Maria MP3

This song reminds me about the moments when I was in Jogja, when they were May and October. Sometimes (can't mention 'often', yet) I went to praying Rosario together with my parents and my Catholic neighbors in (it had to be) each of our house each day. Often this song was used as the closing theme. I wonder, was it might be because of the simple lyric and moderate tempo...
Btw, saat doa Rosario rutin begitu, kenapa saat hari Selasa dan Jumat biasanya dimakai Peristiwa Sedih ya?

Ya namamu Maria Bunda yang kucinta
Merdu menawan hati segala anakmu

Reff :Patutlah nama itu hidup di batinku
Dan nanti kuucapkan di saat ajalku

Ya nama yang keramat perisai hidupku
Dengan nama Maria aku pasti menang---Reff

Bila hatiku risau dan dirundung duka
Kuingat nama ibu yang pasti menghibur---Reff

Downloadnya itu di sini.


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